Thank you
A lot of people and organisations gave their time, energy and expertise on this project. Firstly, thank you to Fiona Drouet, to whom the idea of the card belongs. Thanks also to NUS Scotland, which first piloted the idea of the cards in December 2017. The copy and design of the cards was tested in five different focus groups with students, staff and survivors over the summer. Thanks to Abertay University, NUS Scotland, UCU Scotland and Young Scot for hosting the focus groups, to staff at Dundee and Angus College for taking part and a big thanks to Emmaleena Kakela, who ran three of the focus groups for us. Thanks to the members of the steering group including: AMOSSHE Scotland College Development Network, Colleges Scotland, the ESHE team at Strathclyde, NUS Scotland, Scottish Government, Scottish Women’s Aid, UCU Scotland, and Universities Scotland. The full membership list can be found here. Thanks to the Scottish Government for committing resource to help the early development of the cards, to Professor Ferdinand von Prondzynski and Robert Gordon University for its support with the procurement exercise and to every college and university in Scotland for working with us to customise, finance and distribute the cards.